Another great film from director Andrea Arnold who made Red Road and a short film called Wasp. This one follows a fifteen-year-old named Mia who lives in a housing project in Essex, England. She develops a crush on her mother's dangerous new boyfriend, played by the masterful Michael Fassbender. His scenes with Mia, played by non-actor Katey Jarvis (who was amazing), are the best in the film, but the rest is good as well. It's raw and nervy, and despite the bleak setting, a kind of beautiful film. I'm really looking forward to what Andrea Arnold does with Wuthering Heights, her next project according to the IMDB.
(This film debuted in theaters yesterday but is also available on Cable on Demand. Through RCN, we got it from the IFC in the theaters section. Well worth $5.99)
Is Charlene worried about your crush on Michael Fassbender?