Not really a stand-out year for movies. There's very little on this list that I think I'll be watching in twenty years.Burn After Reading
Not one of the best Coen Brother's movies but I liked it.
I liked this movie a lot, even with the rickety horror-movie angles and theatrical acting. I thought about it for days afterward.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
This is now on HBO constantly and I keep watching it. It's become a comfort film in a way - I like every character.
Ghost Town
One of the best romantic comedies in years. A classic that no one saw.
In Bruges
Better on every viewing. Colin Farrell had the second-best performance of the year.
Let the Right One In
Winter. Sweden. Housing project. Child Vampires.
Quantum of Solace
I enjoyed this movie more than most but, thinking back, I hope the next Bond film has a little less angst in it.
Tell No One
For three-quarters of its running time this flirted with Hitchcock territory. Totally entertaining. Expect an American remake.
Another Pixar gem.
The Wrestler
Mickey wuz robbed of his Oscar.
Okay, out of the films you listed, I saw Ghost Town and Wall-e. LOVED Ghost Town. Thought Wall-e was pretty good. I really haven't seen many movies lately.